// rpimpl_scan.h
// Copyright (c) Menno Rubingh 2016.  Web: [http://rubinghsoftware.de]
// MR Mar 2016.
// Declaration of the function 'scanRPExpression()':
// Scan a RP expression string and convert it into a list of OperationXxx instances.
// Used internally in the RPInterpreter implementation.

#ifndef _RPIMPL_SCAN_H_
#define _RPIMPL_SCAN_H_

#include "rpimpl_oplist.h"  //ParsedOperationList.

// Convert string to ParsedOperationList.
// The string as a whole must consist of the RP expression only, with no
// other characters (but space characters are allowed between lexical elements).
// Assumes that the ParsedOperationList is empty on entering the function 
// (an assertion fails if this assumption is violated).

void scanRPExpression(
	char const *           iStr,
	ParsedOperationList *  oOpList );

#endif //_RPIMPL_SCAN_H_