// rpimpl_eval.cpp
// Copyright (c) Menno Rubingh 2016.  Web: [http://rubinghsoftware.de]
// MR Mar 2016.
// Definition of the function 'evaluateRPExpression()':
// Evaluate ParsedOperationList (read-only),
// using a given VarTable instance (read + write) for the variables.
// Used internally in the RPInterpreter implementation.

#include "rpimpl_oplist.h"  //ParsedOperationList.
#include "rpimpl_var.h"     //VarTable.

#include "rpimpl_stack.h"   //StackDbl.
#include "rpimpl_ex.h"      //SContext, Ex.

void evaluateRPExpression( 
	ParsedOperationList const *   iOpList,
	VarTable *                    uVars )
	StackDbl stack;

	// Execute the OperationXxx instances.
	for ( int k = 0; k < iOpList->getN(); k++ )
		OperationBase const * pOp = iOpList->getElem(k);

		pOp->execute( &stack, uVars );

	// Check that the stack is now empty.
	if ( stack.getN() != 0 )
		SContext dummy; //Use char number == 0.
		throw Ex( &dummy, "stacksize != 0 at end of expression" ); 