 * processimage.c
 * Definition of the function 
 *    processImage()  --
 *       Find the pixel counts, centers-of-mass, and bounding boxes of 
 *       all the four-connected components in a binary (black-or-white) 
 *       image.
 *       The "components" consist of regions of white pixels (with value 
 *       0xff).  "Four-connected" means that white pixels that border 
 *       horizontally or vertically are in the same component.  There is
 *       no connection between obliquely neighbouring pixels.
 * This file also documents the algorithm used by the function
 * 'processImage()' [see "ALGORITHM" below].

 *   +------------------------------------------------------------+
 *   |                  main.c = main() function                  |
 *   +-------------------------------------------+----------------+
 *   |         processimage.c, .h                | testdata.c, .h |
 *   +---------------+--------------+------------+                |
 *   | lineacc.c,.h  |  lmap.c,.h   | debug.c,.h |                |
 *   +---------------+--------------+------------+----------------+
 *   |              image.h, comp.h, label.h                      |
 *   +------------------------------------------------------------+
 *  A block uses the blocks vertically below it.
 *  processimage.c  ---  This file, contains the algorithm.
 *  lineacc.c, .h   }--  Auxiliary datastructures used by processimage.c
 *  lmap.c, .h      }    for holding temporary data
 *  debug.c, .h     ---  Optional debug output to stdout
 *  testdata.c, .h  ---  Testcases, used by main.c
 *  image.h         }--  Basic datastructures and typedefs used "everywhere"
 *  comp.h          }
 *  label.h         }

 * >> Basic idea
 * The algorithm is derived from the algorithms for "Connected Components
 * Labeling" that I read about in Haralick and Shapiro, _Computer and
 * Robot Vision_, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
 * Connected Components Labeling means that each white pixel in the image
 * is labeled with an integer ID number (called a LABEL) that is unique for 
 * one of the connected components.  (Each component consisting of four-
 * connected white pixels.)
 *   We start with an unlabeled image (all labels having the value 
 * LABEL_EMPTY).  At the end, each white pixel should have a valid 
 * (nonempty) label value (the black pixels remain unlabeled). 
 * The basic idea of the algorithm is as follows.  We run through the 
 * image line by line ("line" = horizontal row of pixels) from top to 
 * bottom, going through each individual line from left to right.  During
 * this loop, in each still-unlabeld white pixel P we encounter, we 
 * give this pixel P a label number derived from the labels on the two 
 * immediate neighbour pixels of P that were already processed in the loop, 
 * i.e. the left and upper neighbours of P. 
 *   When our white pixel P (that is to be labeled) has no white pixels as
 * its left of upper neighbours, then we give the pixel P a new unused
 * label number.  When our white pixel P does have a white pixel neighbour
 * to its left or above it, then we propagate the label of this neighbour
 * into our pixel P.  
 * Example input image:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | X | X | X | . | X | . |    X = white pixel
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+    . = black pixel
 *        | . | . | X | . | X | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | . | . | X | X | X | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * Running the labeling algorithm described above and issuing new label
 * numbers in order 1, 2, ... produces:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | 1 | 1 | 1 | . | 2 | . |    
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+    
 *        | . | . | 1 | . | 2 | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | . | . | 1 | 1 | P | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * In the last diagram, we see the case arising that the white pixel P 
 * to be labeled has a left AND an upper white-pixel neighbour with 
 * different label numbers.  For Connected Components Labeling, where 
 * an explicit labeled output image is desired (with a unique label for each
 * component), this case is troublesome, and needs at least a second pass
 * over the image. 
 *    However, as explained in detail below, for OUR purpose the above case
 * turns out not to be troublesome; and for our purpose it turns out to
 * be sufficient to iterate ONCE (and only once) over the input image in
 * a way similar Connected Components Labeling, without storing or creating 
 * the complete labeled image that is the output of Connected Components
 * Labeling.
 * >> The output quantities we have to compute
 * OUR GOAL is not the labeled output image that is created by 
 * Connected Components Labeling.  Our goal is simpler, namely we only 
 * have to determine for each connected component: the number of pixels 
 * in it, its bounding box, and its center of mass. 
 * The total number of pixels in the component and the bounding box
 * can be determined by a function that is fed all the pixels of the
 * component one by one, where the function keeps "running sums" for
 * the total and for min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y.
 * The center of mass (xC,yC) of a component is
 *      xC = SUM_i [  x_i ] / n
 *      yC = SUM_i [  y_i ] / n
 * where i in the sum runs over all pixels in the component, and where
 * n is the total number of pixels in the component.  The two sums
 *      xS = SUM_i [  x_i ]
 *      yS = SUM_i [  y_i ] 
 * can also be computed by a function that is fed all the pixels of the
 * component one by one, keeping running sums for xS and yS.  Just before
 * the data for the component is written to output, we divide the sums xS
 * and yS by n to obtain the desired (xC,yC).
 * Therefore all output quantities we have to compute can be determined
 * by a counting function that is given the pixels of a the components one
 * by one.  This function needs a memory, namely for each component it needs
 * a separate set of running sums (for n, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, xS,
 * and yS).  My implementation uses comp_t for these running sums for 
 * a component (using bary_x and bary_y for holding xS and yS).
 * All our output quantities can therefore be determined by looping once
 * through the image pixels, and for each pixel giving the counting function
 * the pixel's x and y, and its label (so that the function knows which
 * counts to add to.)
 * >> The component counting algorithm (introduction)
 * For our purposes, we do NOT need to create the complete labeled image
 * that is the output of Connected Components Labeling.  The only thing we
 * need the labels for is to identify which set of running sums (comp_t)
 * each white pixel that we encounter should be added to as we loop through
 * the pixels of the image.  Consider again the earlier example:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | 1 | 1 | 1 | . | 2 | . |    
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+       In P:
 *        | . | . | 1 | . | 2 | . |         n1 = 6  
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+         n2 = 2
 *        | . | . | 1 | 1 | P | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * As we iterate through the pixels from left to right and from top
 * to bottom, we add the labeled pixels (1, 2) to the comp_t running
 * sums for the two components 1 and 2 respectively.  The diagram 
 * above shows also the values of the running totals 
 * n1 = comp_t::pixels for component 1 and n2 = comp_t::pixels for 
 * component 2, just before reaching pixel P. 
 * Arriving at pixel P, where the left and upper neighbours have different
 * labels, we discover that labels 1 and 2 are not for different components
 * but for the same component.  All we have to do here is to add the running
 * sums (comp_t) for the components 1 and 2 together, store the result
 * under one of these labels (in my implementation I always take the left
 * label, here "1"), and continue processing with the label of the combined
 * component (1).  Component 2 has now been merged into the component 1,
 * and the comp_t for label 2 should be thrown away.  
 * Finally we of course also have to add pixel P itself to the comp_t of
 * the merged component 1.
 * The result is:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | 1 | 1 | 1 | . | 2 | . |    
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+       In P:
 *        | . | . | 1 | . | 2 | . |         n1 = 6 + 2 + 1 = 9
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+        
 *        | . | . | 1 | 1 | 1 | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * We see that after processing pixel P, we have arrived at the correct
 * count n1 = comp_t::pixel for the connected component.  
 * >> The component counting algorithm (completed)
 * In the last diagram above, the labels "2" on the pixels above P are wrong.
 * For that example image, this is irrelevant because in that example,
 * these labels are not "visible" anymore (not inspected anymore by to the
 * algorithm) after we proceed to the next pixel after P (if we only take
 * one loop over the image).
 * The next example shows that we can not simply forget about labels in the
 * row above, and shows that the algorithm needs a small extra ingredient:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | X | X | . | X | X | X | . |     X = white pixel
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     . = black pixel
 *        | . | X | . | X | . | X | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | . | X | X | X | . | X | X | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * After running our algorithm (as described so far) up to the pixel in the
 * middle of the bottom row (pixel P) we have:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | 1 | 1 | . | 2 | 2 | 2 | . |      At P:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+        n1 = 5
 *        | . | 1 | . | 2 | . | 2 | . |        n2 = 5
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | . | 1 | 1 | P | . | X | X | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * Pixel P now gets label "1", and we add the counts for component 2
 * into the counts for component 1:
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | 1 | 1 | . | 2 | 2 | 2 | . |     
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+      At Q:
 *        | . | 1 | . | 2 | . | 2 | . |        n1 = 5 + 5 + 1 = 11
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | . | 1 | 1 | 1 | . | Q | X | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * Continuing to the next white pixel, Q, we encounter in the pixel above
 * Q the label "2", which is the label of a component that has been merged
 * into the combined component 1.  
 * At pixel Q, the algorithm needs one more piece of information, namely
 * the information that label 2 is no longer in use, and belongs to a
 * component that has been merged into component 1.  That is, we need the
 * information that label 2 has to be mapped to label 1.
 * This information must be created at pixel P.  At that pixel, we have
 * to register (store) the information that label 2 no longer has its own
 * comp_t, and instead maps to label 1.  Every time we merge the comp_t
 * of label K into the comp_t of label L, we have to register the mapping
 *      label K  -->  label L
 * of a label (K) that no longer has a comp_t, to the label (L) which does
 * have a comp_t and into which which the component K has been merged.
 * The algorithm therefore has to keep a list of mappings.  This set
 * of mappings is called the "set of equivalences" or the "equivalence
 * mapping list".
 * Considering again pixel Q, we see that every time we inspect a pixel's
 * upper neighbour and retrieve its label (idUp), we have to look up this
 * label in the equivalence mapping list, and (of found) replace it by the
 * label it maps to.
 * At pixel Q we therefore retrieve the mapping 2 --> 1 from the 
 * equivalence mapping list.  With this new label number, we then 
 * continue normal processing: We give to pixel Q the label 1, and add 
 * the pixel to the comp_t of component 1. 
 * This ensures that the labels of all components that have been merged
 * into other components have an entry in the equivalence mapping list.
 * And it ensures that any time a label L is encountered that that no longer
 * has a comp_t, it is replaced by the label of a component that does have
 * a comp_t, namely the component into which L has been merged.  
 * The equivalence mapping list tells us how to remap the "old" labels in
 * the line above to the latest current labels, i.e. the labels containing
 * the comp_t in which the counts are stored.  The equivalence mapping list
 * "reroutes" things so that counts are added to the correct newest labels,
 * instead of added to "old" labels.
 * This gets us the correct counts (number of pixels, bounding box, xS,
 * yS) for each connected component after ONE single loop through the image.

 * >> Algorithm optimization 1:  lineAcc
 * The diagrams for the examples above suggested that a separate image is
 * used to store the label numbers for each pixel.  However this is not
 * necessary for our purpose.  We only loop through the image once, line
 * by line.  At any pixel P during the loop, we only need the label of
 * the pixel left of P and the label of the pixel above P.  Therefore it
 * suffices for us to store only ONE LINE of label data.
 * I use an array of label numbers, called the "line accumulator" or lineAcc,
 * of the same size as the width of the image.  The input image is processed
 * line by line, the lineAcc moving from top to bottom over the input image:
 *             +---------------------------+
 *             |                           |
 *             |                           |
 *            +-----------------------------+  |         
 *            |                             |  |  lineAcc  
 *            +-----------------------------+  V         
 *             |                           |
 *             |                           |
 *             |                           |
 *             |                           |
 *             |                           |
 *             +---------------------------+
 * lineAcc is empty initially (all elements set to LABEL_EMPTY).  
 * The lineAcc is moved over the image line by line, top to bottom.  In 
 * each successive vertical position of lineAcc, the pixels of that 
 * line of the image are iterated through left to right. 
 * Consider the algorithm in pixel P, at pixel coordinates (iX,iY). The 
 * elements left of iX in lineAcc have been overwritten by the labels 
 * of the pixels on line iY left of pixel P.  The elements in lineAcc 
 * at iX and further to the right still hold the labels of the pixels 
 * in the line iY-1 above.  (lineAcc is represented by the hashes #.)
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---##################
 *             |   |   |   #   #   #   #    #  lineAcc
 *            ###############################
 *   lineAcc  #    #   #   # P |   |   |   |   --- iY
 *            ##############---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *                           |
 *                          iX
 * The new label value Lp of pixel P is determined from the label of the
 * pixel to its left (which is lineAcc[iX-1], and from the label of the
 * pixel above, which at that point still sits in lineAcc[iX], left from
 * the processing of the previous line.  The label value Lp is then
 * written into lineAcc[iX], overwriting its previous contents (which
 * isn't needed anymore).  Then we advance to the next pixel Q on the
 * right and repeat.
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---##############
 *             |   |   |   |   #   #   #    #  lineAcc
 *            ###############################
 *   lineAcc  #    #   #   #   # Q |   |   |   --- iY
 *            ##################---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *             +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *                               |
 *                              iX
 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
 * >> Algorithm optimization 2:  
 *           lm_t, and Recycling of label numbers
 * The labels only serve as references to the data associated with 
 * the label.  This data consists of:
 *     - The comp_t data of the component, holding the running
 *       sums for the quantities to be computed for the component
 *     - The equivalence mapping of the label to another label.
 * For the algorithm to be fast, it is necessary that given a label number,
 * the data for the label can be accessed very quickly.
 * Logically, the functionality needed is a so-called MAP datastructure
 * (associative array) where the key into the map is the label number, and
 * where the data values stored for a given key are the ones listed above.
 * The fastest map implementation for integer keys is a simple array, 
 * where the array index is the integer key.
 * Images can be very big, with many components, and many instances of
 * merging components.  This can lead to "sparse" sets of labels for which
 * data needs to be stored, even if the new labels issued are successive
 * integers.  This would make the array implementation wasteful of memory
 * space, and would suggest that a more elaborate map implementation,
 * e.g. with balanced trees, would be better.  However, the latter lose
 * some of the unmatched speed of the array.
 * The array implementation can however be made to work, if we recycle
 * label numbers.  "Recycle" means that during the processing of the image,
 * once it is certain the label number of a component is no longer needed,
 * we reuse the label number for a new component.  This limits the number
 * different label numbers drastically (compared to using the successive
 * integers 1, 2, ... for each new component encountered, throughout
 * the image).
 * In our line-by-line processing, we determine the labels of the 
 * current line from the labels of two lines, namely the current line 
 * and the line above it.  Therefore largest number of DIFFERENT labels 
 * that the algorithm can have to keep account at any time is the 
 * maximum number of different components that can fit inside two 
 * successive lines.  The diagram below shows that for our 
 * four-connected components, this maximum number equals the width 
 * SizeX of the image in pixels. 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        | X | . | X | . | X | . | X |     X = white pixel
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     . = black pixel
 *        | . | X | . | X | . | X | . | 
 *        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *        |                           |
 *        |<-------SizeX pixels------>|
 * All the label numbers that were once used in the lines further above
 * can no longer influence the algorithm, and can therefore be recycled
 * for use for new components.  Before reusing an old label number, its
 * comp_t (when not empty) is written to output as a completed component,
 * and then cleared so that the new component starts with zero counts.
 * With label recycling, SizeX different labels therefore suffice, which
 * makes the array implementation very feasible (an array of size SizeX).
 * Recycling of label numbers means that lists of free and used labels
 * must be kept.  The "used-list" must be random-access, i.e. it must
 * be possible to return ANY of the of the used labels to the free list.
 * Since the array implementation is the fastest possible, I chose to use
 * that implementation.  I use one and the same array for the for the map
 * from labels to comp_t, for the equivalence mapping list (which is a map
 * from labels to labels), and also for the free-list and the used-list.
 * The resulting data structure I called lm_t (for Label Map), and is
 * implemented in lmap.h and lmap.c.  The header file 'lmap.h' contains
 * documentation about the implementation details, 

#include "comp.h"     /* comp_t  */
#include "image.h"    /* image_t, pix_t, pixel values.  */

#include "label.h"    /* label_t, LABEL_EMPTY  */
#include "lineacc.h"  /* lineAcc_t  */
#include "lmap.h"     /* lm_t  */

#include "debug.h"    /* DBG_print(), DBG_xxx_dump()  */


/* Advance declaration */
void processOneLine(
	pix_t const *  in_pStartOfLine, 
	int            in_sizeX,        
	int            in_iY,           
	lineAcc_t *    io_pLineAcc,     
	lm_t *         io_pLabelMap,    
	void           (*usrOutComp)( comp_t const * ) ); 

 * processImage()
 *    -- Find the pixel counts, centers-of-mass, and bounding boxes of
 *       all the four-connected components in a binary (black-or-white) 
 *       image.
 * Parameters:
 *    in_pImg          = The input image.  Pixels must have value
 *                       either 0x00 (blank) or 0xff (component pixel).
 *    io_pLineAcc      = Pointer to lineAcc_t instance.  Used internally
 *                       in the function to hold component label IDs for 
 *                       the pixels in one line.
 *    io_pLabelMap     = Pointer to lm_t instance.  Used internally in the
 *                       function to store all data for each component label.
 *    usrOutComp       = User-defined function.  Called once for each 
 *                       completed component.  This is how the output 
 *                       components are transferred to the caller.
 * io_pLineAcc and io_pLabelMap are only used internally by the function,
 * and on exit do not contain data useful to the caller.  However they must 
 * be instantiated by the caller (see accompanying 'main()' function).  I 
 * chose to have the caller instantiate them because for images of the same
 * width, both datastructures can be reused, which saves the allocation
 * and deallocation time.  Thus for processing a set of images (all of
 * the same width), the user allocates io_pLineAcc and io_pLabelMap once,
 * then processes all his images, and then deallocates the two temporary
 * datastructures.
 * If a more user-friendly function is desired for processing just one 
 * single image, then it's trivial to write wrapper function that takes only 
 * the two parameters in_pImg and usrOutComp, and that (instead of the 
 * input-output parameters io_pLineAcc and io_pLabelMap) has local lineAcc_t 
 * and lm_t variables and (de)allocates these locally.
void processImage(
	image_t const *  in_pImg,      
	lineAcc_t *      io_pLineAcc,  
	lm_t *           io_pLabelMap, 
	void             (*usrOutComp)( comp_t const * ) ) 
	/* Begin the processing of the image with cleared LabelMap and 
	 * LineAccumulator.
	lm_init( io_pLabelMap );
	lineAcc_init( io_pLineAcc );

	 * Loop over the successive horizontal lines of the image.
	 * Each iteration advances the lineAccumulator to the next line
	 * of the input image.
	pix_t const * pStartOfLine = in_pImg->data; /*init*/
	int iY;
	for ( iY = 0; iY < in_pImg->size_y; iY++ )
		DBG_imgLine_dump( pStartOfLine, in_pImg->size_x ); 

		/* Compute the value of lineAcc for this line (= iY) from 
		 *   - The current input line, and
		 *   - The previous contents of lineAcc (containing the information
		 *      from the upper part of the image needed for this line).
			io_pLineAcc, io_pLabelMap, 
			usrOutComp );

		DBG_lineAcc_dump( io_pLineAcc );

 		 * Purge from labelMap all labels that are no longer used,
		 * and write completed components to output.
		lm_purgeOldLabels( io_pLabelMap, iY, usrOutComp );

		/* Advance to the next line of input pixels.
		pStartOfLine += in_pImg->size_x;

	 * Finally: Write all components remaining in labelMap to output.
		in_pImg->size_y, /*past the last line*/
		usrOutComp );

 * processOneLine()       
 *    --  Process one horizontal line of the input image.
 * Used by: 'processImage()'.
 * This function takes the following inputs:
 *   - The previous lineAcc, holding data for the previous line in the image;
 *   - The pixel data of the current line in the input image.
 * and from this information, it updates lineAcc so that it lineAcc now
 * holds data for the current line of the input image.
 * The function moves from left to right through the input line; in each
 * pixel considering the pixel left to it, and the pixel above it (stored
 * in the input lineAcc).
 * During this processing, the function also updates the data for the 
 * connected components (stored in io_pLabelMap) :  it adds the scanned 
 * pixels to components, merges previous components together, and creates 
 * new labels and new components.
 * Parameters:
 *    in_pStartOfLine  = The input line.
 *    in_sizeX         = Nr of pixels in input line.
 *    in_iY            = Current line number within image
 *    io_pLineAcc      = Pointer to lineAcc_t instance.  On entering the 
 *                       function, this holds the lineAcc for the previous
 *                       line.  The function replaces its contents so that
 *                       on exit it contains the data for the current line.
 *    io_pLabelMap     = Pointer to lm_t instance, used to store all data 
 *                       for each component label, throughout the processing
 *                       of the image.
 *    usrOutComp       = User-defined function, for writing each completed
 *                       component to output.
void processOneLine(
	pix_t const *  in_pStartOfLine, 
	int            in_sizeX,        
	int            in_iY,           
	lineAcc_t *    io_pLineAcc,     
	lm_t *         io_pLabelMap,    
	void           (*usrOutComp)( comp_t const * ) ) 
	int iX;
	for ( iX = 0; iX < in_sizeX; iX++ )
		pix_t pixThis = in_pStartOfLine[iX];

		if ( pixThis == PIX_BLACK ) 
			lineAcc_put( io_pLineAcc, iX, LABEL_EMPTY );
		if ( pixThis == PIX_WHITE )
			/* Get the label idLeft of the pixel to the left.  */
			label_t idLeft = LABEL_EMPTY; /*init*/
			if ( iX > 0 )
				idLeft = lineAcc_get( io_pLineAcc, iX-1 );

			/* Get the label idUp of the pixel above. */
			label_t idUp = lineAcc_get( io_pLineAcc, iX );

			 * Determine, from idLeft and idUp, the label 'idThis'
			 * of the current pixel.

			label_t idThis = LABEL_EMPTY; /*init*/

			if ( (idLeft == LABEL_EMPTY) && (idUp == LABEL_EMPTY) )
				/* Both Left and Up are black pixels
				 * ==> Give the current pixel a new label.
				idThis = lm_getFreeLabel( io_pLabelMap );
			if ( idLeft == LABEL_EMPTY )
				/* Left is black and Up is white
			 	 * ==> Propagate label idUp of Upper pixel.
				 *     If idUp is in the equivalence mapping list, then 
				 *     first replace idUp by its equivalence.
				idThis = idUp;

				/* Lookup idUp in Equivalences-List; replace by equivalence. */
				label_t idEq = lm_getEquiv( io_pLabelMap, idUp );
				if ( idEq != LABEL_EMPTY )
					DBG_print( "\tiX=%d: retr %u --> %u\n", iX, idUp, idEq ); 
					idThis = idEq;
			if ( idUp == LABEL_EMPTY )
				/* Left is white and Up is black
			 	 * ==> Propagate label idLeft of Left pixel.
				idThis = idLeft;
				/* Both Left and Up are white pixels.
				 * ==> If idLeft != idUp, then merge component idUp into
				 *     component idleft, and register that label idUp now
				 *     maps to label idLeft.
				 *     Unconditionally, the current pixel always gets the
				 *     label idLeft.
				if ( idLeft != idUp )
					DBG_print( "\tiX=%d: AddEq %u --> %u\n", iX, idUp, idLeft );

					/* Remember that idUp is the same component as idLeft. */
					lm_addEquiv( io_pLabelMap, idUp, idLeft );

					/* Add all counts of component idUp into component idLeft; 
					 * then delete component idLeft from the component list.
						idUp  /*src*/  );

				idThis = idLeft;

			/* Assign the label value idThis to the current pixel.
			lineAcc_put( io_pLineAcc, iX, idThis );

			/* Add the current pixel to the comp_t for component 'idThis'.  
			lm_addPixelToComp( io_pLabelMap, idThis, iX, in_iY );

			/* Mark label 'idThis' as used in this line 'in_iY'. 
			 * (On each label, we store the line number where the label
			 * was last seen.  This allows us to detect label numbers that
			 * are no longer in use.)
			lm_updateLineNr( io_pLabelMap, idThis, in_iY );

			{ /* Error: illegal pixel value in input  */
			assert( 0 );
