 * lmap.h   --  Datastructure 'lm_t' and operations.
 * lm_t is a temporary datastructure, used by function 'processImage()'.

#ifndef _LMAP_H_
#define _LMAP_H_

 *  lm_t -- "Label Map" data structure
 *  ----
 *  This data structure combines the following four logical container
 *  data types:
 *    1- Map: label --> comp_t.
 *         Quick access to the comp_t data with counts for the component
 *         given the label of the component.
 *    2- Map: label --> label.
 *         Register of equivalence mappings from one component label to 
 *         component another label.
 *    3- List of free labels.
 *    4- List of used labels.
 *         These allow iteration over the used labels, 
 *         and moving any used label to the free list.
 *  Logically, 1 and 2 are MAP (associative array) datastructures: We specify 
 *  the label of the four-connected component as the key, and want to retrieve 
 *  the data for this label.
 *  For number 4, the used list, a stack or list isn't sufficient, because
 *  we want to be able to remove any given user label from the used list
 *  (in order then to return it to the free list), which needs random access 
 *  into the used list.  So number 4 also needs to be a "map".
 *  In each case, the key into the map is label number of a component.
 *  In our application, the above logical datatypes are used for storing
 *  temporary data while processing the input image line by line.  The
 *  maximum possible number of labels needed while computing the new
 *  lineAccumulator contents (for the current line) from the previous
 *  lineAcc is the maximum possible number of different components that
 *  can occur in two successive lines.  The latter equals Size_X, the number
 *  of pixels in a horizontal line, as shown in the diagram below.
 *      +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *      | X | . | X | . | X | . | X |     line i
 *      +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *      | . | X | . | X | . | X | . |     line i+1
 *      +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *      |<-------Size_X pixels----->|     . = black pixel (blank)
 *                                        X = white pixel
 *  This means that for our application, each of the four logical 
 *  datatypes only needs to hold data for at most Size_X different
 *  label values.  
 *  The fastest possible map for integer keys is a simple old-fashioned 
 *  array.  The very limited range of label values makes the array
 *  implementation suitable.
 *  Therefore I implemented the MAP datatypes all as a fixed-size array,
 *  where the aray index is the label number.  The array size is N = Size_X+1:
 *  label number 0 (which represents the empty label value) is unused, and 
 *  therefore the first array element is also unused.
 *  Since all four logical datatypes use the same label range, and the 
 *  data stored by all of them concern the same set of components, it
 *  was possible to combine the four into one single array, as follows:
 *    index
 *            +-----------+--------+-------+-------+
 *      1     | compData  | lblEq  | prev  | next  |   -- data for label '1'
 *            +-----------+--------+-------+-------+
 *      2     | compData  | lblEq  | prev  | next  |   -- data for label '2'
 *            +-----------+--------+-------+-------+
 *      3     | compData  | lblEq  | prev  | next  |   -- data for label '3'
 *            +-----------+--------+-------+-------+
 *      ...       ...         ...     ...     ...
 *            +-----------+--------+-------+-------+
 *     N-1    | compData  | lblEq  | prev  | next  |   -- data for label 'N-1'
 *            +-----------+--------+-------+-------+
 *  The array elements are 'structs' (lmElem_t) with the following members:
 *     comp_t compData  -- Current counter values for the component.
 *                         This implements logical datatype "1".
 *     label_t lblEq    -- Stores the mapping "label1 --> lblEq", where
 *                         label1 is the index of the current array element.
 *                         This implements logical datatype "2".
 *     label_t prev    --  Index (pointer) to previous item in free list
 *                         or in used list.
 *     label_t next    --  Index (pointer) to previous item in free list
 *                         or in used list.
 *  The fields 'prev' and 'next' implement the free list and the used list,
 *  which are both double-linked lists implemented in a fixed-size array.
 *  The free list being the counterpart of the used list (if a given label
 *  is in one list, it is not in the other, and vice versa), it is possible
 *  and convenient to combine the free-list and used-list implementations,
 *  and in the array implementation used here I have done so.  
 *  Both lists are chains of lmElem_t structs, with the array index of the
 *  first list element stored outside the array (in iFreeFirst for the free 
 *  list and in iUsedFirst for the used list).  
 *  The array elements contain two more members, not yet mentioned above:
 *      int  uf      -- Boolean that tells whether the element is in the
 *                      used list (uf = 1) or in the free list (uf = 0).
 *                      This member is not absolutely necessary and is only
 *                      used as an extra check.
 *      int  iLine   -- Line number in the image in which the label was
 *                      last used.
 *  The member 'iLine' is important; it is needed for the recycling of 
 *  label numbers that are no longer used.  As explained in the comments 
 *  at the start of "processimage.c", this recycling is necessary to 
 *  make it possible to keep the set of label numbers down to a very 
 *  limited set (which in turn is necessary to make the array 
 *  implementation realistic for the MAP containers).
 *  The algorithm in "processimage.c" updates the iLine for a label (by a
 *  call to "lm_updateLineNr()") whenever the label is used.   The member
 *  iLine therefore always contains the line number in which the label was
 *  last used.  Labels not used since line L can therefore be recognized
 *  from the fact that their iLine is less than (or equal to) L.
 *  After the processing of each complete line, the algorithm in
 *  "processimage.c" calls the function "lm_purgeOldLabels()" to return
 *  old labels that are no longer used to the free list.  Parameter to the
 *  function is a threshold line number L (meaning that everything older
 *  than L must be recycled).
 *  To prevent that "lm_purgeOldLabels()" has to do a SEARCH through the 
 *  used list to find all labels with iLine < L, the operations on lm_t 
 *  make sure that the used list is always kept SORTED on the line 
 *  number iLine, from the newest items (large iLine value) at the 
 *  beginning to the oldest items (small iLine value) at the end.  
 *     The sort order is maintained by inserting NEW labels (with the
 *  latest iLine values) into the used list at the beginning; and by 
 *  implementing the function "lm_updateLineNr()" in such a way that a 
 *  label that is updated to a newer (= larger) line number is moved to 
 *  the beginning of the used list. 
 *     With this sorted used list, the function "lm_purgeOldLabels()" no 
 *  longer needs to search; all it has to do is simply to remove items 
 *  from the END of the used list (as long as iLine < L). 
#include "comp.h"   /* comp_t  */
#include "label.h"  /* label_h, LABEL_EMPTY  */

 * Structs

/* struct lmElem_t --
 *   Element of the array lm_t::pArr[].
 *   lm_t::pArr[k] stores the data for label number 'k'.
 * Notes:
 *   - If the label has no equivalence data, then lblEq == LABEL_EMPTY.
 *   - If the label has empty comp_t data, this is represented as 
 *      compData.pixels == 0.
typedef struct lmElem_  
	comp_t  compData;    /* Component data.  */

	label_t lblEq;       /* Mapping to the label 'lblEq' (equivalence).  */

	int     iLine;       /* Line number where label used last.  */

	int     uf;          /* 0 = free, 1 = used.  */
	label_t prev;        /* Prev label in free/used list.  */
	label_t next;        /* Next label in free/used list.   */

/* struct lm_t --
 *    One datastructure for all four logical containers.
 * Notes:
 *   - iFreeFirst has value LABEL_EMPTY if the free list is empty.
 *   - iUsedFirst has value LABEL_EMPTY if the used list is empty.
typedef struct lm_  /*Label Map. */
	label_t    N;       /* Size of array pArr[].  */
	lmElem_t * pArr;

	label_t iFreeFirst; /* First item in free list. */

	label_t iUsedFirst; /* First item in used list. */
	label_t iUsedLast;  /* Last  item in used list. */

 * Function protoypes

 * lm_alloc() --
 * User instantiates an lm_t instance, then calls lm_alloc to
 * allocate the internal members of that lm_t instance.
 * Parameter: 
 *   in_nLabels = the number of different labels that the map must store.
 * Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success.
int lm_alloc( 
	lm_t * pLM,
	int    in_nLabels );

 * lm_free() --
 * Deallocate the internal members of the fl_t instance.
void lm_free( lm_t * pLM );

/* lm_clearDataOfLabel() -- 
 * Clear compData, lblEq, and iLine of the label 'lbl'.  
void lm_clearDataOfLabel(
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t lbl );

/* lm_init() --
 * Initialize lm_t instance for beginning with a new image:
 *  - Each label's comp_t data is made empty
 *  - Each label has empty equivalence (i.e. maps to no other label)
 *  - All labels in the free list; used list empty.
void lm_init( lm_t * pLM );

/* lm_getFreeLabel --
 * Take the first free label,
 * remove it from the free list and insert it into the used list.
 * Return this label.
label_t lm_getFreeLabel( lm_t * pLM );

/* lm_returnLabel() --
 * Remove the label 'i1' from the used list, 
 * and insert it into the free list.
void lm_returnLabel( 
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t i1 );

/* lm_updateLineNr() --
 * Register that label 'lbl' was last used in line number 'in_iLine'.
void lm_updateLineNr( 
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t lbl,
	int     in_iLine );

/* lm_addEquiv() --
 * Register the equivalence that label 'from' maps to label 'to'.
void lm_addEquiv( 
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t from, 
	label_t to );

/* lm_getEquiv()  -- 
 * Retrieve equivalence.
 * Returns LABEL_EMPTY if 'from' does not map to any other component.
label_t lm_getEquiv(
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t from );

/* lm_addPixelToComp() --
 * Add to the comp_t of with label 'lbl' the data for the single
 * pixel at location in_x, in_y.
void lm_addPixelToComp( 
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t lbl,
	int     in_x, 
	int     in_y );

/* lm_mergeCompIntoComp() --
 * Merge component lblSrc into lblDst (i.e. add the comp_t data for
 * component lblSrc into the comp_t of component lblDst),
 * then clear the entry for label 'lblSrc' in the component list.
void lm_mergeCompIntoComp( 
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t lblDst, 
	label_t lblSrc );

 * Finalize the center-of-mass computation for the component with
 * label 'lbl',
 * and then call the usr-defined function 'usrOutComp()' to write 
 * this final comp_t for label 'lbl' to output.
void lm_outComp( 
	lm_t *  pLM,
	label_t lbl,
	void    (*usrOutComp)( comp_t const * ) );

 * lm_purgeOldLabels -- 
 *   Purge from lm_t all labels that have a line number smaller than in_iY.
 * Write the comp_t for the purged labels to the output, using the
 * user-defined function 'usrOutComp()'.
void lm_purgeOldLabels(
	lm_t *            pLM,     
	int               in_iY,                             /*Line Number. */
	void              (*usrOutComp)( comp_t const * ) ); /*Callback fn. */

#endif /*_LMAP_H_ */